CUT RATE (カットレイト)
メリーランド州ボルチモア出身のデザイナーOliver Jones 地元ボルチモアではスケート、ピスト、バイク等のカウンターカルチャーに傾倒し、東海岸のレジェンド達とも深く関わり合いながら世代を超えた架け橋となるべくブランドを立ち上げることを決心する。
Oliver Jones was born and raised in Baltimore Maryland He comes from a counter coulter background based in skateboarding, fixed gear bikes, Motorcycles, and street art.
He and Cut Rate is perhaps the link between legends of past generations and todays aspiring artistic youth.
He has a long history with Japanese fashion, and in 2009 started Cutrate and opened a sister Tokyo office.
Since then he has been building and customizing Motorcycles in his shop.
In 2012 he relocated the shop to Long Beach CA, to immerse himself further in the ever-growing scene and to add to the development of Cutrate and his motorcycle building.
Designer Oliver Jones
